[These minutes were approved by the executive committee on 22 February 2022.]

Adelante Progressive Caucus Executive Committee

Minutes of regular meeting

1 February 2022



Executive Committee members:

  • Athena Christodoulou (Political Director)
  • Colton Dean (At-Large Officer)
  • Cheryl Harris (Chair)
  • Samuel Nevarez (Congressional District 1 Chair)
  • Nicole Olonovich (Administrative Director)
  • Michael Sperberg-McQueen (Secretary)

Other caucus members:

  • Karlyne Nordholm (webmaster)


  • Dimid Hayes (Treasurer)
  • Patricia French (Vice-Chair)

1 Call to order and quorum check

The chair called the meeting to order at 6:38 pm and confirmed that no quorum of the executive committee was present. In the course of the meeting, a quorum of members did arrive; no decisions were made without a quorum.

2 Recognition of guests

There were no guests.

3 Reading and approval of minutes

The minutes of the EC meeting of 27 December 2021 were reviewed. There being no corrections, they were approved.

The minutes of the members’ meeting of 6 January 2022 were reviewed. There being no corrections, they were approved for posting on the web site and submission for approval by a regular members meeting.

4 Reports of officers and committee chairs

4.1 Treasurer

In the treasurer’s absence, the chair reported that the current balance of funds is $4804.59; the relevant report is accessible on Google Docs to EC members. The required reports have been filed with the Secretary of State.

4.2 Chair

The chair reported that she plans to step down from her position for a bit, to deal with health issues and overload.

CH will discuss with PF whether to schedule EC meetings for Mondays, or Tuesdays, or some other day. AC asked for a poll of the EC to see what works. Various days were canvassed briefly, and various conflicts were noted.

It was generally agreed that the best thing to do would be to set up a Doodle poll on what day of the week and what week of the month would be best for EC meetings. CH said she would leave the final decision to PF.

KN noted that she puts as many meetings as she hears about on the APC calendar so we can get a good idea of conflicts just by consulting our own calendar.

4.3 Political director

The political director reported that with the beginning of the legislative session things have been fast and furious, with the Green Amendment as the focus of most APC efforts. She encouraged members to attend the legislative planning sessions Sundays at 4 pm, when those in attendance go through the bills and exchange information with representatives of other organizations.

5. Unfinished Business

5.1 Letter on redistricting

CH recalled that in our December meeting we approved writing a letter of censure about the process followed by the legislature in the redistricting process. She asked whether we still want to act on that resolution.

There was discussion.

Attendees expressed the view that the letter would be more powerful if sent following the current legislative session and that it should cover topics arising from the current session as well as redistricting. There was some sentiment for trying to make the letter forward-looking rather than just a negative evaluation of things done in the past. The letter should ideally suggest a path forward.

After further discussion CH suggested a tentative decision to hold the idea of a letter over for another month or so, and then write a letter that describes what was disappointing about the redistricting session and what steps we would like to see in the future.

RESOLVED: to table the idea of a letter about the redistricting session for six weeks (until mid-March). (Moved: SN; seconded: CD.) Approved without dissent.

AC noted that she hoped the letter would also cover HJR 9 and SB 8 on voting rights.

5.2 Organizational and clerical issues

CH noted that there is a lot of clerical and organizational work to catch up on. We need to clean up our documents in Google Docs, and have a process for integrating the membership list with records of dues payments, with a work flow that makes sense.

NO and CH have made a start on a plan for the year. It’s now Black History Month, for example. Last year we did nothing about it. This year it would be nice to do so.

CH proposed to put the administrative director in charge of an effort to clean up our administrative work processes. She suggested that the first thing to do is to agree on a date for a meeting on the topic, and make it a requirement that we are all there. NO to figure out what projects we should be working on. CH proposed having breakouts to work out whatever needs to be worked out.

She asked for comments.

KN said she was exhausted by the problems; she has put in a lot of hours trying to sort this out, but felt that no progress had been made. We are not the first organization to need to maintain a membership list; it cannot be that it has to be this hard.

In the ensuing discussion, some suggestions were made and some cautionary anecdotes exchanged. Among the needs identified:

  • Cleaning up the Google Docs.
  • Clarifying the status and relation of our public and private Facebook presences and making sure that the private group is known to and open to all members of the Caucus.
  • Clarifying our use of Slack.
  • Ensuring that passwords are known to the relevant people and will not be lost with changeovers in leadership.

There was also some sentiment that reducing the number of distinct technical platforms we use might simplify things, as well as sentiment that the platforms themselves are secondary and that we need to focus on doing useful work, so as to have an engaging message.

6. New business

6.1 Temporary absence of chair

The chair reiterated her plan to step down temporarily. She reported that PF is willing to take over as acting chair, chairing meetings, arranging programs, and doing other organizational work. CH hopes to return after two or three months, perhaps as vice-chair or as an at-large member of the EC.

There was some discussion of whether PF will be “chair” or “acting chair”.

6.2 Nicole Olonovich’s candidacy in HD 12

CH noted that the Administrative Director, Nicole Olonovich, has put her name in as a candidate for appointment as the state representative for HD 12 to replace Brittney Barreras. Several EC members have sent mail to the Bernalillo County Commission.

NO spoke about her candidacy.

6.3 Adelante meeting after state pre-primary convention

CH noted that the DPNM state pre-primary convention is planned as an in-person event in March in Roswell. She suggested that if it actually is held in person, Adelante should plan to hold a meeting in Roswell after the conclusion of the convention. She volunteered to undertake the planning on PF’s behalf and proposed that Adelante buy lunch for attendees.

It would be good, CH thought, to have a meeting in the southern part of the state; we should encourage CD-2 people to attend.

On a related note, NO noted that O’Neill’s has been secured for 5 May for an in-person meeting for CD-1; SN will be in charge of that.

7. Other business and member comments

There was no other business.

8. Announcements

NO asked for an agenda item at the members meeting on Thursday 3 February, to ask Adelante volunteers to gather signatures.

AC asked whether APC and the Environmental Justice caucus might work together on public education for community solar.

9 Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.