The name of the organization is the Adelante Progressive Caucus of the Democratic Party of New Mexico (“DPNM”).


Vision Statement

We aim to create a just, safe, and peaceful world for people and nature.

Mission Statement

We will work to advance progressive values inside and outside the Democratic Party, by:

  • Enacting progressive policies.

  • Establishing progressive structures.

  • Electing progressive leaders and officials.

We support and shall abide by the rules, goals, beliefs and values of the DPNM and the Democratic Party of the United States.


Section A: Requirements

Membership is open to all registered Democrats in the State of New Mexico who embrace the Mission Statement of this Caucus. Dues may be set or adjusted by the Executive Committee pursuant to the voting mechanisms in Article V, herein.

Section B: Confirmation

The Secretary of the Progressive Caucus shall maintain the name, voter registration address, phone number, email address or alternate notification information, and Congressional District of all members, and shall confirm membership interest and eligibility at least every three years.

The Secretary shall confirm dues payments with the Treasurer.

Section C: Termination

Members can voluntarily resign at any time upon written notification to the Secretary.

Members can be removed for ineligibility of membership as defined by these Bylaws, interference with the achievement of the objectives of the Caucus or malfeasance, by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee.


Section A: Officers and Executive Committee

The Officers of the Caucus are the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Administrative Director, Political Director, and a Chair from each state Congressional District.

The Executive Committee of the Caucus consists of the Officers and has authority to transact any and all business on behalf of the Caucus, with the exception of electing officers and changing the Bylaws.

The former positions of Executive Committee At-Large Officers are eliminated immediately upon passage of this bylaws revision.

Section B: Terms and Term Limits

All Officers shall be elected for two-year terms.

The Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Political Director, and Administrative Director shall be elected in odd-numbered years.

The Vice Chair and the Chairs from Congressional Districts shall be elected in even-numbered years.

The officers elected in October 2021 shall serve terms ending with the election of their successors in the first quarter of 2024.  The Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer elected in the first quarter of 2023 shall serve terms ending with the election of their successors in the first quarter of 2025.

No member of the Executive Committee shall serve more than six consecutive years in the same position. Then a break of at least one full term away from that position is required.

No member may run for office until they have been an Adelante member in good standing for six months.

Section C: Succession of Officers

Upon the vacancy of the Chair, the Vice-Chair will become Chair and complete the term of the Chair.

Upon the vacancy of any other seat on the Executive Committee, the Chair shall appoint a successor to complete the term of the office upon approval by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee.

Section D: Removal of Officers

A removal election can be initiated through a petition signed (electronically or otherwise) by half of the members eligible to vote for that officer, or through a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee. In the event of a petition, it must then be presented to the Secretary for validation. An election must be called by the Chair within thirty days. Any officer can be removed upon a two-thirds vote of the members eligible to vote for that officer.

Section E: Duties

The Chair shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Caucus. He, she, or they shall serve as the primary spokesperson of the Caucus. The Chair may execute, on behalf of the Caucus, all instruments in writing, which may be required or authorized by the Executive Committee for the proper and necessary transaction of the business of the Caucus. The Chair shall be a signer on the checking account or other financial instruments.

The Chair shall call and preside over meetings.

The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair in the Chair’s duties and take over the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence. The Vice-Chair shall have particular responsibility for advising the Executive Committee and the members of the Caucus on questions relating to the rules of order and for ensuring that the Bylaws, policies and procedures of the Caucus are followed in meetings and in the activities of the Caucus.

The Secretary shall prepare and submit all reports as necessary under the Rules of the DPNM. The Secretary shall maintain and verify the membership roster. The Secretary shall be responsible for taking and maintaining the minutes and the attendance of the Executive Committee meetings and all general membership meetings. The Secretary will send notifications to the entire membership for meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Caucus as a whole. The Secretary shall be responsible for notifying the membership of elections and of conducting all elections.

The Treasurer shall manage the Caucus finances, including managing Caucus assets and debts; preparing the annual budget, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee; and preparing quarterly financial statements. The Treasurer is responsible for filing all required New Mexico Secretary of State reports, and any other financial reports as required by law or the state party.

The Congressional District Chairs shall serve as liaisons between Caucus members in their District and State Leadership, and between other progressive organizations of their District and the Adelante Progressive Caucus. They shall have responsibility for overseeing and organizing their District’s Caucus members, including direct action, communication, outreach, education, and advocacy for issues, projects and campaigns promoted by the Caucus. In addition, Congressional District Chairs shall hold at least two meetings in their District per year and prepare a narrative of their activities for inclusion in required reports.

The Political Director shall oversee Caucus political activities including party affairs, endorsement process, lobbying, and voter registration.

The Administrative Director shall oversee organizational matters of the Caucus not already assigned to another officer, including communications, events, and volunteers, subject to review and approval by the Chair.

All officers are encouraged to recruit volunteers to help with their tasks and to train as possible replacements.


Section A: Membership Meetings

The Caucus shall hold at least two membership meetings per year. The Chair will call the meetings. The Secretary shall ensure that all members are notified of membership meetings by email with notice of at least fourteen calendar days. For members who do not have email addresses, the Secretary shall provide alternate notification by announcing the meeting on the Caucus website or by the method the member identified when s/he joined the Caucus. Members can call a membership meeting with a petition by two-thirds of the membership. The petition may be circulated electronically. Meetings may be conducted in person, telephonically or electronically.

Section B: Executive Committee Meetings

The Chair will initiate meetings of the Executive Committee, which shall be at least four times a year. The Secretary shall ensure all officers are notified of Executive Committee meetings by email with notice of at least seven calendar days and will apprise all membership of the meetings through the website or other electronic means with notice of at least seven calendar days. Officers other than the Chair can call an Executive Committee meeting with a vote of one-third of the Executive Committee. Meetings may be conducted in person, telephonically or electronically. Executive Committee meetings shall be open to all Caucus members, except when discussing personnel or legal matters.

Section C: Voting

The full membership is entitled to vote for Officers. Officers shall be elected by a majority of votes cast, with voting in the first quarter of each year. The full membership is entitled to amend these Bylaws. Amending the Bylaws shall be by two-thirds of votes cast.

Congressional District Chairs shall be elected by members from their District.

No binding decisions may be made and no votes may be conducted at meetings of the full membership unless a quorum is present.  Votes and elections may be conducted electronically, in which case there is no quorum or turnout requirement. When voting by the full membership is conducted electronically, the balloting period shall last at least fourteen calendar days. Voting eligibility is restricted to members who have been in good standing for at least thirty days.

Section D: Quorum Requirements

Quorum for a meeting of the full membership shall consist of fifteen percent of members in good standing.

Quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of a majority of Committee members.

Section E:  Rules of Order

The current edition of The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure by Alice Sturgis, as revised by the American Institute of Parliamentarians, governs the meetings of this Caucus.

Approved by the Adelante Progressive Caucus Working Group
April 9, 2018

First Revised Bylaws approved by Adelante Progressive Caucus membership
Oct. 17, 2020

Second Revised Bylaws approved by Adelante Progressive Caucus membership
May 4, 2023

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